
    IP Ecosystem

    IP Ecosystem

    On top of having a diverse process selection, SMIC facilitates customer’s success by proactively constructing a friendly ecosystem from designer’s point-of-view.

    SMIC addresses customer’s need by having a platform with in-house IP offerings and with hundreds of industry well-known vendors together, to save time, lower risk and shorten product’s time-to-market.

    SMIC addresses customer’s need by verified solid design flow setup with industry leading EDA vendors together, to ensure a project transform from a concept to silicon smoothly and reliably.

    SMIC addresses customer’s need by design service offering with well-known design service partners together, to provide options from demo system reference to whole SoC customization turnkey service.

    SMIC addresses customer’s need by post-silicon service support with industry reliable turkey partners together, to meet assembly and testing need.

    SMIC cares about each customer’s unique requirement and strive to provide tailored-made, differentiated, value-added services by well-prepared design ecosystem.