
Press Releases

Statement From SMIC On False Reporting of Some Korean Media On EUV

09 December 2019

In recent days, some Korean media, such as Business Korea, published various false news reports quoting the views of Dr. Zhou Zixue, Chairman of SMIC, on Extreme Ultraviolet Lithography (EUV) equipment when he attended a meeting in Korea. SMIC hereby solemnly declares that such news reports are false and fabricated. Dr. Zhou has merely attended an internal session of the 2nd China-Korea CEO and Former Senior Officials’ Dialogue early this month. Throughout his stay in Korea, Dr. Zhou did not accept any media interview or make any remarks concerning EUV equipment.

SMIC strongly condemns the media and individuals who disseminate false news and rumors, and will definitely reserve all rights to take legal actions.

Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation

December 9, 2019